Tartelettes with choco ganache
One of the many ways to use the Deco Melts Choco flavor is in these tartelettes! Make a delicious choco ganache with the Deco Melts and whipped cream. Decorate it with your favorite swirls and let your creativity go all the way.
What you need to make your tartelettes with choco ganache:
- 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cookies
- 150 g FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream®
- 150 g FunCakes Deco Melts Dark Choco Flavoured
- FunCakes Food Colour Gel Old Rose
- FunCakes Food Colour Gel Light Beige
- FunCakes Food Colour Gel Red Earth
- FunCakes Food Colour Gel Eucalytus
- FunCakes Nonpareils Gold
- FunCakes Metallic Sugar Rods XL Light Gold
- 150 ml milk
- 150 ml whipped cream
- 150 g unsalted butter
- 1 egg (approx. 50 g)
- FunCakes Decorating Bags
- Wilton Decorating Tip #4B
- Wilton Decorating Tip #125
- Wilton Decorating Tip #032
- Wilton Decorating Tip #022
- 2x Wilton Standard Adaptor/Coupler
- Wilton Wide Glide Rolling Pin
- Wilton Parchment paper
- Silikomart Kit Mini Tarte Twist Set/6
- Cling Film
Prepare 150 g FunCakes Mix for Cookies as indicated on the package, wrap in cling film and leave to set in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
Line a baking tray with a sheet of parchment paper and preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).
Quickly knead the dough from the refrigerator until smooth and roll it out on a floured work surface to a thickness of 2-3 mm. Using the cutters from the set, cut out rounds from the dough and place the dough rounds together with the ring on the baking sheet.
Using a sharp knife, cut out strips of dough about 2 cm wide and 30 long. Place the strips of dough along the inside edge of the cutter and join the seams of the dough. Using a sharp knife, cut away the dough that protrudes above the edge. Put the sheet in the refrigerator for 15 minutes before baking.
Bake the tartelettes for about 14-16 minutes until light brown. Let them cool in the ring and then carefully remove them.
Heat 150 ml of whipping cream until just short of boiling and stir in 150 g of FunCakes Deco Melts dark Choco flavoured from the heat. Let this cool until it is lumpy but still liquid. Fill a piping bag with the ganache and fill the tartelettes. Let the ganache set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
Prepare 150 FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream® as indicated on the package and divide into 4 portions. Colour each portion of cream with the Food Colour Gels.
Prepare the decorating bags with the decoting tips. Decorate the tartelettes as you see fit with the cream.