Hot choco bombs
A warm mug of chocolate milk, but not just any! Turn your hot milk into hot chocolate in just a few seconds by adding a chocolate bomb with a surprising filling! You can’t say no to this, can you? Instagram and TikTok are completely full of it … So get started quickly.
What you need to make your hot choco bombs:
- 350 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts Dark
- 350 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts Milk
- 350 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts White
- FunCakes Mini Marshmallows
- FunCakes Deco Melts Light Blue
- FunCakes Nonpareils Bronze
- FunCakes Nonpareils Light Pink
- FunCakes Nonpareils Gold
- FunCakes Nonpareils Pearl White
- FunCakes Mini Chocolate Rocks Milk
- FunCakes Sprakle Dust Golden Ginger
- FunCakes Sugar Paste Decorations Ice Crystal White
- Nesquik
- Nutella
- FunCakes decorating bags
- Wilton Powder brushes
- Silikomart Semisfera Mould Ø6cm
- Patisse wooden brush -1,5cm
- Pan
- Baking tray
Melt the FunCakes Chocolate Melts as indicated on the packaging and grease the mold with a good layer of chocolate using the baking brush and let it stiffen in the refrigerator.Repeat this at least 2 or 3 times until you have a solid layer. Do this with all 3 colors melts.
Put a pan on the fire with a small layer of water and place a metal baking tray on top. Remove the half balls from the mold and carefully pull the half balls over the warm plate so that you get a nice tight adhesive edge. Just make sure you don’t do this with all halves right away, you have to put the balls first before sticking the other part on it.
Fill the ball as desired with, for example, FunCakes Chocolate Melts, FunCakes Mini Marshmallows, FunCakes Chocolate Balls, Nutella and/or Nesquick. Take the other half of the ball over the warm plate and place it directly on the filled half. Let this harden in the refrigerator.
Dark chocolate ball: With the large brush you powder some balls with the FunCakes Edible Gloss Powder Ginger Gold and drizzle some dark chocolate on top. Decorate immediately with pink, bronze and gold musket. Let it stiffen in the fridge.
Milk Chocolate ball: Spread the entire outside of the ball with melted chocolate and roll it through the FunCakes Mini Chocolate Rocks Milk. Let it stiffen in the fridge.
White Chocolate ball: Melt some blue FunCakes Deco Melts as indicated on the packaging and drizzle this over the balls. Decorate immediately with bronze and mother-of-pearl musket. Stick a snowflake on the ball with some melts. Let it stiffen in the fridge.