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Chic Aubergine koekjes

Koekjes met de Fondantkleur van het jaar: Chic Aubergine! Een creatieve manier om je koekjes te decoreren. Maak je eigen patroon met verschillende kleuren in fondant, rol het uit en plak het op je koekje!

1 uur en 15 min. bereiden
15 min. bakken
16+ personen

Wat heb je nodig voor jouw chic aubergine koekjes:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix voor Cookies
  • 400 g FunCakes Rolfondant Chic Aubergine
  • 75 g FunCakes Rolfondant Rose White
  • 75 g FunCakes Rolfondant Vintage Purple
  • 75 g FunCakes Rolfondant Tropical Orange
  • 75 g FunCakes Rolfondant Mystic Turquoise
  • FunCakes Suikerparels Medium Metallic Roze
  • FunCakes Musketzaad Oranje
  • FunCakes Piping Gel
  • FunCakes Eetbare Lijm
  • 150 g ongezouten roomboter
  • 1 ei (ca. 50 g)


  • Wilton Rolstok 50 Cm
  • PME Voetbal Patroon Uitstekers Set/4
  • PME Bloesem Plunger Uitsteker Set/4
  • PME Vierkante Uitsteker Set/6
  • Patisse Bakpapier Vellen 38x30cm pk/20
  • FMM Impressie Mat Vintage Kant
  • Silikomart Sugarflex Veiner Hortensia
  • Rasp

Recept van Chic Aubergine koekjes


Leg stukjes van 50 g fondant in een plastic zakje een nachtje in de vriezer.


Prepare 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cookies as indicated on the package, wrap in cling film wrap and leave to set in the fridge for one hour.


Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C) and line a baking tray with parchment paper.


Knead the dough from the fridge thoroughly for a while and roll it out to a thickness of about 2 mm and cut out shapes. Place these on the baking sheet and bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes until lightly browned and cooked, and let cool flat on the counter.


Keep 100 g Sugar Paste Chic Aubergine and roll out the rest to a thickness of 1 to 2 mm. Grate the frozen sugar paste over the rolled out slice of Sugar Paste Chic Aubergine and place a sheet of parchment paper on top. Now go over it with the rolling stick and roll the grated sugar paste into the slice. Cut out the same shapes you used for the cookies from this and stick this onto the cookies with a little piping gel.


Roll out the 100 g Sugar Paste Chic Aubergine very thinly and cut out flowers with the hydrangea cutter and put them in the veiner. Stick a pink metallic pearl in each flower and let the flowers dry for a while. If necessary, crumple up a piece of kitchen paper and put the flowers in it to dry, so that they get a little whimsical shape. Roll out the remaining Chic Aubergine and lay the FMM Impression Mat Vintage Lace on top. Go over it with the rolling stick to get the print into the fondant. Cut out shapes from this that you also used for the cookies and stick this onto the cookies with a little piping gel.


Roll out the other colours of sugar paste (if necessary with a little sugar baking powder added to prevent sticking) very thinly and cut out small flowers with the blossom plungers. Stick an orange nonpareils in the center. Now stick the hydrangea and the blossom plungers on the cookies.

Nog heel even wachten voordat je kunt genieten van jouw koekjes. Vergeet je creatie niet te delen via: #funcakesbyme

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