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Deco Melts cupcakes

Decorating is easy and fun. Decorate together with you kids these deco melts cupcakes. Let your creativity go!

20 min. preparar
20 min. cocinando
1 hora esperando
12 - 16 people

Lo que necesita para deco melts cupcakes:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes
  • 150 g FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream ®
  • FunCakes Deco Melts in various colours
  • FunCakes Nonpareils
  • FunCakes Pearls
  • FunCakes Strands
  • FunCakes Medleys
  • 250 g unsalted butter
  • 100 ml melk
  • 100 ml water
  • 5 eggs (aprox. 150 g)


  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Baking Cups
  • Wilton Parchment paper
  • Wilton Recipe Right Muffin Pan
  • Wilton Tip #1M
  • Wilton Cooling Grid

Receta de Deco Melts cupcakes


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C (convection oven 160 ° C).


Prepare 500 gram FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes as indicated on the package. Place the baking cups in the muffin pan and fill the cups with the batter. Bake the cupcakes for 18-20 minutes in the middle of the preheated oven light brown. Let the cupcakes cool using a cooling grid.


Melt the Deco Melts at 450W (max. 500W) in a separate bowl per color. Stir the melts well every 15-20 seconds. Stop heating as soon as the melts have almost completely melted (small pieces are still visible). Keep stirring until completely smooth.


Line the baking sheet with the parchment paper. Fill the decorating bags with the melted Deco Melts and cut off a small dot. Spray generous caps on the baking paper and tap the plate on the table so that it is nicely smooth. Sprinkle the FunCakes sprinkles directly over them and let them harden in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes.


Mix 150 grams of FunCakes mix for Enchanted Cream®. If desired, add the Sparkling Wine flavor paste. Place the tip in the decorating bag and fill it with the Enchanted Cream. Spray a nice swirl on the cupcakes and decorate them with the slices of Deco Melts.

Tip! For a complete Deco Melts sweet table, have a look at the Deco Melts cake and the Deco Melts cakesicles

Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su cupcakes. No olvides compartir tu creación: #funcakesbyme

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