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Miserable with hazelnut cream

Is it time for coffee already? This delicious miserable is perfect for coffee, but you secretly want to eat it all day long.

35 min. Vorbereitung
20 min. Kochen
2 Stunde Warten
8 - 12 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre miserable with hazelnut cream:


  • 250 g FunCakes Almond Flour
  • 250 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
  • FunCakes Icing Sugar
  • FunCakes Praliné Hazelnut Filling
  • 250 g egg white
  • 300 g sugar
  • 50 g flower
  • 250 ml water
  • Cacao


  • Wilton Parchment Paper Roll
  • Wilton Recipe Right® Biscuit/Brownie Pan 27,5 x 17,5cm
  • Wilton Chroom Plated Cooling Grid
  • Baking tray 40x30 cm

Rezept von Miserable with hazelnut cream


Preheat the oven at 200°C (convection oven 180°C).


Beat 250 grams of egg whites with the 50 grams of sugar until stiffen. Mix 250 grams of almond flour with 20 grams of sugar and 50 grams of flour. Whisk the dry ingredients through the egg white mixture and divide the batter evenly on a baking tray covered with parchment paper.


Bake the biscuit in 20 minutes and let it cool down on the grid.


Prepare 250 grams of FunCakes Mix for Buttercream as indicated on the package and add 3 tablespoons of praline.


Cut the biscuit into two equal parts. Place one part in the baking pan and divide the cream over the cake. Place the second part on top and place the miserables in the fridge.


Cut the miserables in long strips and decorate them with lots of icing sugar and cacao.

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