Sloth cake
Sloths are noted for slowness of movement and for spending most of their lives hanging upside down in trees but today we made a sloth cake and this recipe needs to be shared because it’s out of this world! It’s so delicious!
Ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire votre sloth cake:
- 250 g FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake Deluxe
- 200 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
- 750 g FunCakes Rolfondant - Bright White
- 300 g FunCakes Marzipan – Natural
- 100 g FunCakes Rolfondant - Forest Green
- Small piece of FunCakes Fondant - Raven Black
- FunCakes Flavour Paste - Hazelnut
- FunCakes FunColours Gel - Brown
- FunCakes FunColours Gel - Peach
- FunCakes FunColours Dust - Black
- FunCakes FunColours Dust - Milk Chocolate
- FunCakes FunColours Dust - Dark Chocolate
- FunCakes FunColours Brush Food pen – Black
- FunCakes Magic Roll-Out Powder
- 250 g unsalted butter
- 225 ml water
- 4 eggs (approx. 200 g)
- Cornstarch
- FunCakes Magic Roll-Out Powder
- FunCakes Bake Release Spray
- FunCakes Edible Glue
- Wilton Decorator Preferred Spatula Angled
- Wilton Decorating Brush
- Wilton -Wide Glide- Rolling Pin
- Wilton Cake Leveler
- Wilton Cooling Grid
- PME Extra Deep Round Baking Pan Ø20 cm
- PME Cutting Wheels
- PME Modelling Tools Flower/Leaf
- Karen Davies Silicone Mould - Rustic Woodland Bark
- PME Rose Leaf Plunger Cutter
- FMM Impression Mat Tree Grain
- FMM Dusting Pouch
- Crisco
- 2 copies of a sloth
- Plastic insert case
- Paper towel
Color almost all of the 300 grams of marzipan brown. Put a sloth image in a plastic cover and cut the other one out in puzzle pieces. Lubricate all paper parts at the back with crisco to prevent them from sticking. Roll out the marzipan very thinly on a with magic roll-out powder covered work surface, place the crisco lubricated parts on top and cut them out with the cutting wheel. Put this on top of the sloth in the plastic cover. For the nose, colour a small piece of marzipan with the peach coloured gel. Use natural marzipan for the beard and the nails and make the eyes out of a little black ball from fondant. Accentuate the eyes a bit more with the black food pen. For the tree trunk roll out some brown marzipan thinly and create the right texture by pressing in the tree grain mat.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).
Prepare 250 grams of FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake as indicated on the package. Lubricate the baking pan. Bake the sponge cake for 30 – 35 minutes and let it cool down on a cooling grid.
Prepare 200 grams of FunCakes Mix for Buttercream as indicated on the package and add hazelnut flavor to taste. Cut the sponge cake twice using the cake leveler and cover with the hazelnut buttercream. Leave to set in the refrigerator.
Knead 750 grams of fondant and colour the fondant brown. Use a part of the fondant to cover the top of the and clean the edges neatly with a sharp knife. Powder the Karen Davies mold with cornstarch, tap out the excess and push fondant into it. Lay the fondant with tree grain structure on a piece of kitchen towel and dust it as you like with the two brown dusts and the black dust. Make sure you have enough to go around the entire cake and put it against it. The buttercream will make sure it sticks. Make some notches on top with the flower/leaf-tool and create rings with the cutting wheel. Dust these notches and rings again with the three colours of dusts.
Roll out 100 grams of green fondant thinly and cut out leaves. Carefully place the sloth on the cake using glue and add the leaves with glue as well.