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Sweet butter board

Butter boards: a real upcoming trend that of course we have to give our own spin to! A butter board is nothing less than a finger food platter, but just a little bit different. Spread butter, or buttercream, on a board and top it off with your favorite snacks and toppings! Just as fun as a finger food platter, but just a little sweeter.

Lo que necesita para sweet butter board:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Fudge Brownie
  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes
  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cookies
  • 250 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
  • FunCakes Flavour Paste Crème Brûlée
  • FunCakes Freeze Druid Fruit Raspberry Crunch
  • FunCakes Mini Fudge Choco
  • FunCakes Food Colour Gel Red
  • FunCakes Bake Release Spray
  • 900 g unsalted butter
  • 9 eggs (approx. 450 g)


  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Baking Cups Brown
  • Wilton Recipe Right® Muffin Baking Pan 12 cupcakes
  • Wilton Recipe Right® Square Pan 20 x 20cm
  • Wilton Wide Glide Rolling Pin
  • Wilton Comfort Grip Spatula angled 22,5 cm
  • Wilton Parchment paper

Receta de Sweet butter board


Prepare 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cookies, the 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes and the 500 g FunCakes Mix for Fudge Brownie as indicated on the package.


Divide the baking cups between the muffin tray and fill them with batter. Bake the cupcakes in a preheated oven at 180°C (convection oven 160°C) for about 19-23 minutes until light brown. Take the cupcakes out of the baking pan after baking and let them cool down.


Divide the cookie dough into two pieces. Colour 1 piece with the FunCakes Food Color Gel Red. Wrap the two pieces of dough in cling film and leave to set in the refrigerator for an hour. Knead the dough from the refrigerator as quickly smooth and roll out the two colors of dough to a thickness of about 1 ½ mm.


Wet the rolled out red dough slightly with two wet hands and place the white dough on top. Sprinkle FunCakes Freeze-Dried Fruit Raspberry Crunch on top and roll out together until the thickness of the piece is about 2 mm. Cut strips from this with a sharp knife and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake the cookie sticks in a preheated oven at 180°C (convection oven 160°C) in about 8-12 minutes until light brown. Let them cool down on the countertop.


Place a piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the brownie baking pan and spray the edges with FunCakes Bake Release Spray. Spoon in the batter and bake the brownie at 160°C (convection oven 140°C) for about 35 minutes. When the oven time is over the brownie will still be slightly runny. When the brownie has cooled with baking tin and all, put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours to stiffen but preferably overnight.


Prepare 200 g FunCakes mix for Buttercream as indicated on the package. Divide it into two portions and flavour 1 portion with the FunCakes Flavour Paste Crème Brûlée. Leave the rest natural.


Prepare the board: Put some buttercream natural on a spatula and wipe it off on the board. Make 2 rows below each other. Do the same with the Crème Brûlée buttercream and repeat until the board is covered.

Cut the fudge brownie into small square pieces and place them on the board around the buttercream.  Break the cupcakes into chunky pieces and place these on the board with them as well. Place the cookie sticks next to them and sprinkle some freeze-dried raspberry and choco fudge cubes over the cream. Drizzle some crème brulee flavor paste over the entire shelf.
Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su treats. No olvides compartir tu creación: #funcakesbyme

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