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Whipped cream cake with hazelnut crunch

Time for a coffee? Then serve this delicious whipped cream cake with hazelnut crunch!

40 min. Vorbereitung
35 min. Kochen
1 Stunde und 15 min. Warten
8 - 12 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre whipped cream cake with hazelnut crunch:


  • 250 g FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake Deluxe
  • 100 g FunCakes Mix for Crème Patisserie
  • 20 g FunCakes Almond Flakes
  • 20 g FunCakes Hazelnut Crunch
  • 200 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts Dark
  • Strawberry jam
  • 4 eggs (approx. 200 g)
  • 250 ml whipped cream
  • 4 el white caster sugar
  • 275 ml water
  • 1 bag of cream stiffer


  • FunCakes Disposable Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Bake Release Spray
  • FunCakes Cake Board Round Ø20cm
  • Wilton Decorator Preferred® Deep Round Pan Ø 20x7,5cm
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #1M Open Star Carded
  • Wilton Ultimate Cake Leveler
  • Wilton Basic Turntable
  • Wilton Chrome-Plated Cooling Grid
  • Wilton Decorator Preferred Spatula Angled
  • Wilton Parchment Paper Roll
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #1M Open Star Carded
  • PME Plain Edge Side Scraper

Rezept von Whipped cream cake with hazelnut crunch


Preheat the oven on 175°C (convection oven 160°C).


Prepare 250 grams of FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake as indicated on the package. Pour the batter into a greased baking pan (1/2 to 2/3 full). Bake the cake the middle of the preheated oven. Bakde the cake in Do not open the oven in between! The cake is ready when it feels springy to the touch. Release the cake immediately after baking and let it cool down on a cake grid.


Place the cake upside down on a cake board. Cut the sponge cake with the cake cutter into three equal parts.


Prepare 100 grams of FunCakes Mix for Crème Pâttisière as indicated on the package. Pipe along the edge of the first layer of the biscuit a dam of pastry cream. Put the cherry jam in the middle and then place the second layer on top of it and fill it with the cream. Place the last layer on top.


Whip 250 ml of cream with 4 tablespoons of sugar and a bag of Klopfix, until firm.


Put the sponge cake on a turntable. Pipe the edges of the biscuit with a layer of whipped cream of about 1 cm thick. Then spread a thin layer of cream on the top of the cake and level this with your spatula. Stick the Hazelnut Crunch on the side of the cake all the way from top to bottom. Add the remaining cream in a pastry bag with star-shaped tip and pipe a shell border on top. Then pipe some swirls on top (later you’ll put the chocolate in them). Roast the almond flakes in a pan until light brown. Let it cool down and then sprinkle it randomly over your cake. Then sprinkle the Hazelnut Crunch over de cake.


Put the desired quantity of Melts into a plastic (microwave-proof) or glass bowl. Place the bowl into the microwave and melt the Melts at maximum power (± 800 Watt). Every 15 to 20 seconds, remove the chocolate from the microwave and stir it well so that the temperature is spread through it evenly. Continue doing this until the chocolate is nearly melted; small pieces of chocolate may still be visible. Stop warming and stir the chocolate well until all the pieces of chocolate are melted and you have a uniform mass of chocolate.


Fill the mold with chocolate and let it cool and harden in the fridge. Stick them in the swirls you made earlier.

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