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French Bûche de Noël

Christmas log of Yule log, is a traditional French dessert that’s served on Christmas Eve. This delicious recipe takes quite some time, but in the end you have the most delicious dessert you can imagine.

1 Stunde Vorbereitung
15 min. Kochen
3 Stunde Warten
10 - 12 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre french bûche de noël:


  • 250 g FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Sponge Cake
  • 200 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
  • 400 g FunCakes Chocolate Ganache
  • FunCakes Flavour Paste -Blueberry-
  • 3 eggs (approx. 75 g)
  • 420 ml water
  • 250 g unsalted butter
  • FunCakes Choco Balls Ruby
  • 100 g FunCakes Fondant Bright White
  • FunCakes Edible FunColours Sparkle Dust - Metallic Gold
  • Sugarflair Rejuvenator Spirit - Alchohol
  • Cacaopowder


  • Wilton -Perfect Height- Rolling Pin 22,5 cm
  • Wilton Parchment Paper
  • Wilton Decorator Preferred Spatula Angled
  • PME Holly Leaf Plunger Cutter Set/3
  • Brush
  • Clean ironed tea towel
  • Plastic foil
  • Baking tray

Rezept von French Bûche de Noël


Prepare 200 grams of FunCakes Mix for Buttercream as indicated on the package and add flavour using blueberry flavour paste.

Tip! For an entirely new variant of this recipe you can replace the blueberry flavour for cinnamon flavour paste, FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Sponge Cake for FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake Deluxe (Note the adjusted amount of water!) and icing sugar for cacao.


Prepare 400 grams of FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Ganache as indicated on the package and let it cool down.


Preheat the oven to 150°C (convection oven 130°C).


Prepare 250 grams of FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Sponge Cake as indicated on the package. Cover two baking trays using parchment paper and divide the batter onto the baking trays. Bake the sponge cakes in approx. 10 – 12 minuten golden. Place one biscuit upside down on clean tea towel, remove the parchment paper and roll it up using the tea towel. Let the cake cool down and repeat this for the other biscuit.


Carefully unroll the sponge cakes and apply a layer of blueberry buttercream. Do not overdo this otherwise you will roll the buttercream out of the cake! Roll the sponge cakes back up using the tea towels, wrap them in cling film and let set in the fridge for an hour.


Beat the cooled down ganache and apply a thin layer on the cake rolls. Put it in the frigde for half an hour and apply another layer of ganache using a spatula. The cakes don’t have to be smooth and place it back in the fridge for an half hour.


Knead 100 grams of white fondant and roll it out on a surface covered with powder. Cut out the holly leaves and allow it to air dry. Create your own paint using the rejuvenator and the gold dust. Paint the holly leaves gold.


Get the cake rolls out of the frigde and decorate with the holly leaves, red chocolate balls and cocaopowder.

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