Was suchen Sie?


A muffin is a delicious, lightly sweetened cake that you can adjust completely to your own taste based on this basic recipe. With who are you going to enjoy this a few muffins?

10 min. Vorbereitung
25 min. Kochen
1 Stunde Warten
12 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre muffins:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Muffins
  • 220 ml vegetable oil
  • 200 ml water


  • Wilton Recipe Right® Muffin Pan
  • House of Marie Baking Cups

Rezept von Muffins


Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).


Beat 500 grams of FunCakes Mix for Muffins, 220 ml of vegetable oil and 200 ml of water in 5 minutes at low speed to a smooth batter.


Add filling if desired, such as baking chocolate, blueberries, bananas or nuts.


Divide the baking cups in the muffin pan and fill them with the batter just below the edge.


Bake the muffins in the middle of the oven in approx. 25 minutes.

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