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Crème patisserie pastries

If you are looking for a simple pastry, this recipe is your best friend. All you have to do is prepare the crème patisserie and fill the pastry with the cream. This pastry is also low in sugar!

10 min. Vorbereitung
30 min. Warten
12 - 16 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre crème patisserie pastries:


  • 200 g FunCakes Mix voor Crème patisserie
  • 500 ml water
  • Pastry
  • Blackberries
  • Edible violets


  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #1M

Rezept von Crème patisserie pastries


Prepare 200 grams of FunCakes Mix for Crème Patisserie as indicated on the package. Let the cream set for a while in the fridge.


Place decorating tip #1M in the decorating bag and fill this with the cream. Fill up the pastry with the crème patisserie and decorate them with the blackberries and violets.

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