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Orange bavarois cake

Time for a Royal recipe for Kingsday! Delicious with a fruity taste and a crispy base. To stay in the orange spheres, there are delicious oranges in it.

45 min. préparer
25 min. cuisine
3heure attente
10 - 12 people

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire votre orange bavarois cake:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Sweet Cookie & Crust
  • 100 g FunCakes Mix For Bavarois Natural
  • 100 g FunCakes Mix for Crème Pâtissière
  • 75 g FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream®
  • FunCakes Flavour paste Orange
  • 500 ml whipped cream
  • 450 ml water
  • 155 g unsalted butter
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 egg (aprox. 50g)


  • FunCakes Bake Release Spray
  • FunCakes Acetate roll 8 cm
  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Magic Roll-Out Powder
  • Wilton Parchment Paper
  • Wilton Wide Glide Rolling Pin 50 cm
  • Wilton Tip #1M
  • Patisse Cake Ring Ø 24cm
  • Plastic foil

Recette de Orange bavarois cake


Prepare 500 g of FunCakes Mix for Sweet Cookie & Crust as indicated on the package, wrap it in plastic foil and let it set in the fridge for an hour.


Preheat the oven to 180 °C (convection oven 160 °C).


Prepare 100 g of FunCakes Mix for Crème Pâtissière as indicated on the package and kreep aside.


Prepare 75 g of FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream® as indicated on the package and fill a decorating bag with tip # 1M with the cream.


Knead the dough from the refrigerator until smoothl and roll it out on a with Magic Roll-Out Powder covered work surface to a thickness of 1 to 1 ½ cm. Place a sheet of parchment paper on the bottom of the spring form and place the ring on top . Grease with the Bake Release Spray. Cut a circle the size of the bottom out of the dough and place on the bottom of the spring form. Spread the Crème Pâtissière over the bottom (keep 1 cm away from the edge) and bake the bottom in the middle of the preheated oven for 25 minutes. Let the bottom cool down on a cooling grid.


Clean the ring of the spring form and place it on the bottom again. Grease a little baking spray again and place a strip of acetate foil along the inner side of the ring. Cut 1 orange into thin slices and cut in half again. Place the half orange slices along the acetate foil.


Beat the whipped cream. Put 100 g of FunCakes Mix for Bavarois together with 20 g of Orange Flavour Paste and 100 ml of water in a bowl and mix with a whisk until all lumps are gone. Add this directly to the whipped cream and fold it together. Pour the bavarois in the spring form and let it set for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator. Grate the zest of an orange above the cake and pipe small tufts of Enchanted Cream® along the edge.

Il ne reste plus qu'un peu de temps avant que vous puissiez profiter de votre cakes. N'oubliez pas de partager votre création : funcakesbyme

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