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Rudolph the rednosed reindeer cake

“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows!” We all know the lyrics to this song and no Christmas is complete without a little bit of rudolf the rednosed reindeer cake.

1 hora y 30 min. preparar
30 min. cocinando
3 hora esperando
12 - 16 people

Lo que necesita para rudolph the rednosed reindeer cake:


  • 300 g FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake Deluxe
  • 300 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
  • FunCakes Flavour Paste Mascarpone
  • 240 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts Dark
  • 400 g FunCakes Fondant Bright White
  • Small amount of FunCakes Fondant Raven Black
  • Small amount of FunCakes Fondant Fire Red
  • FunCakes FunColours Gel Brown
  • FunCakes FunColours Gel Beige
  • FunCakes FunColours Gel Black
  • FunCakes Icing Sugar
  • FunCakes Sprinkle Medley Christmas
  • 360 ml water
  • 6 eggs (approx. 300 g)
  • 375 g unsalted butter


  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Bake Release Spray
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #1M
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #22
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #32
  • Wilton Cooling Grid
  • Wilton Cake Leveler
  • Wilton -Perfect Height- Rolling Pin
  • Wilton Turning Table
  • Wilton Decorator Preferred Spatula Angled
  • Wilton Parchment Paper
  • 2 PME Deep Round Cake Pan Ø15 cm
  • PME Plastic Cutter Oval
  • PME Round Cutter
  • PME Cutting Wheel
  • PME Side Scraper
  • Silikomart Thermometer for Chocolate
  • Brush

Receta de Rudolph the rednosed reindeer cake


Melt 160 grams of chocolate au bain-marie up to 45°C. When it’s completely melted, remove the bowl from the bain-marie. While stirring, add the remaning 80 grams of chocolate little by little. Keep stirring until all the melts are completely melted and you have a nice smooth mass. You may not need to use the full 80 grams. If the thermometer shows 31 ° C then you can process it.


Put the temperated chocolate in a decorating bag and pipe the antlers of the reindeer on a piece of parchment paper. Place them in the fridge to harden. Go over it for the second time with chocolate to give it a bit more body and let it harden in the fridge again.


Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).


Prepare 300 grams of FunCakes Mix for Sponge Cake as indicated on the package. Grease the baking pans with baking spray and divide the sponge cake batter into two pans. Bake the sponge cakes for 30 – 35 minutes and release them on a cooling grid right after baking.


Prepare 300 grams of FunCakes Mix for Buttercream and flavour the buttercream to taste with the marcarpone flavour paste and colour it brown using the colouring gel. Keep a bit of buttercream separately for decorating and don’t colour it. Cut the sponge cakes twice and fill and cover with buttercream. Use the side scraper to give your cake straight edges. Place the cake in the fridge for half an hour to harden. Cover it with cream again and make straight egdes with the side scraper.


Divide 400 grams of white fondant in three pieces and colour one part brown, one part beige and keep a small amount white for the eyes. Roll out the fondant magic roll-out powder and use the cutting wheel to cut out the ears.


Colour the remaining buttercream in variety shades of brown using the colouring gel. Place the tips in the decorating bags and fill them with the creams. Pipe rosettes and dropflowers in different colours on top of the head. Place the antlers on top and add the ears.

Tip! You can place a toothpick behind the antlers to prevent them from falling.


Make the eyes and nose of fondant and stick this with a bit of buttercream against the head. Sprinkle a bit of medley over the buttercream swirls.


Mix some icing sugar with a bit of water until you’ve got a thick glaze. Use the brush to add some glaze to the antlers.

Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su cakes. No olvides compartir tu creación: #funcakesbyme

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