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Gender reveal cupcakes

Are you pregnant and looking for a recipe for your gender reveal party? Then you came to the right place because these gender reveal cupcakes are perfect. Who are you going to suprise?

1 hora preparar
20 min. cocinando
1 hora esperando
20 - 24 people

Lo que necesita para gender reveal cupcakes:


  • 500 g FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes
  • 150 g FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream®
  • FunCakes Edible FunColours Gel - Pink
  • FunCakes Edibel FunColours Gel - Baby Blue
  • FunCakes Sugar Decorations Baby Feet Pink
  • FunCakes Sugar Decorations Baby Feet Blue
  • FunCakes Sprinkle Medley -Baby Girl- or -Baby Boy-
  • 250 g unsalted butter
  • 5 eggs (approx. 250 g)
  • 100 ml milk
  • 100 ml water


  • FunCakes Disposable Decorating Bags
  • Wilton Recipe Right® Muffin Pan
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #1M Open Star Carded
  • Wilton Chrome-Plated Cooling Grid
  • House of Marie Baking Cups Folie Zilver pk/24
  • Apple drill
  • Thin brushes

Receta de Gender reveal cupcakes


Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).


Prepare 500 grams of FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes as indicated on the package. Place the baking cups in the muffin pan and divide the batter into the baking cups to half fill the cups. Bake the cakes for 18-20 minutes until golden yellow and take them out of the muffin pan. Let them cool down completely on the kitchen counter.


Make a hole in the middle of the cupcake with an apple drill and fill it with the medley of your choice.


Prepare 150 grams of FunCakes Mix for Enchanted Cream® as described on the package and put it in a decorating bag with tip #1M. Make pink and blue strips on the inside of the piping bag with a thin brush using the FunColours gels pink and blue. Then carefully fill the bag with the cream.


Pipe rosettes on top of the cupcakes and decorate the rosettes with a blue and pink baby foot.

Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su cupcakes. No olvides compartir tu creación: #funcakesbyme

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