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Dutch bokkenpootjes cookies with buttercream filling

These typical Dutch cookies are great for parties!

35 min. Vorbereitung
15 min. Kochen
2 Stunde Warten
10 - 12 people

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre dutch bokkenpootjes cookies with buttercream filling:


  • 30 g FunCakes Egg White Powder
  • 125 g FunCakes Almond Powder
  • 3 tbsp FunCakes Almond Flakes
  • 125 g FunCakes Icing Sugar
  • 125 g FunCakes Mix for Buttercream
  • 350 g FunCakes Chocolate Melts Dark
  • 225 g sugar
  • 40 g flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 305 ml water
  • 150 g unsalted butter


  • FunCakes Disposable Decorating Bags
  • Wilton Parchment Paper Roll
  • Wilton Decorating Tip #010 Round Carded
  • Wilton Chome Plated Cooling Grid

Rezept von Dutch bokkenpootjes cookies with buttercream filling


Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).


Beat 30 grams of egg white powder with 180 ml of water, 225 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt until stiff peaks. Mix 125 grams of almond powder with 125 grams of icing sugar. Fold the almond broyage (mix of almond powder and icing sugar) and 40 grams of flower through the egg white mixture. Put the decorating tip in the piping bag and add fill it with the batter. Pipe the cookies on a lined baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with almonds. Bake the cookies in approx. 15 minutes in the oven and let them cool down.


Prepare 120 grams of FunCakes Mix for Buttercream as indicated on the package. Put the decorating tip in the piping bag and fill it with the batter. Pipe the cream on top of one half of the cookies and pressure the other half of the cookie on top of the cream. Let it all stiffen in the refrigerator about half an hour.


Melt 350 grams of melts in the microwave at maximum power (± 800 Watt). Remove the chocolate from the microwave every 15 to 20 seconds and stir it well so that the temperature is spread through evenly. Continue doing this until the chocolate is nearly melted; small pieces of chocolate may still be visible. Stop warming and stir the chocolate well until all the pieces of chocolate are melted and you have a uniform mass of chocolate.


Dip both ends of the cookies into the chocolate and place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Let the “bokkenpootjes” cool down in the refrigerator .

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