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Deco Melts Lollies

Make these colorful deco melts lolly’s. With a lot of colour and a lot of fun. Let your creativity go all the way and enjoy the lolly!

10 min. Vorbereitung
und 30 min. Warten

Was Sie brauchen, um Ihre deco melts lollies:


  • FunCakes Deco Melts in different colors


  • FunCakes Decorating Bags
  • FunCakes Lollipop Sticks
  • Wilton Parchment Paper

Rezept von Deco Melts Lollies


Melt the Deco Melts at 450W (max. 500W) separately in dishes in the microwave. Stir the melts well every 15-20 seconds. Stop heating as soon as the melts have almost completely melted (small pieces are still visible). Keep stirring until the melts are completely smooth.


Place the parchment paper on the baking sheet. Fill the piping bags with the melted Deco Melts and cut off a small dot. Generously spray the paper and put the sticks in it. Let them harden in the refrigerator for 3-4 minutes.


Take them out of the refrigerator and make a zigzag movement over the lollipops with different colors of Deco Melts. Place them back in the refrigerator (10-15 mins.) To set.

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