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Privacy statement

For our website personal details are being processed. FunCakes (NewCakes BV) deems a careful use of company details of great importance. Your details will therefore be carefully processed and secured by us.

When processing data we adhere to the following conditions:

  • We mention clearly with what purposes we process personal details. We do so through this privacy statement;
  • we confine our collection of personal details to those company details necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal details and require the same from parties who process personal details on behalf of us;
  • we respect your right to view your data in consultation with us and/or to modify them.

FunCakes (NewCakes BV) is responsible for the data process. In this privacy statement we explain which company data we collect and use and to what purposes. We recommend you read this statement carefully.

This privacy statement has been last updated at 14-11-2019 14:15:00.


Use of personal details

When using our website we gain certain information from you. We save and use only those personal details which have been provided directly by you, in the context of the by you requested service, or details of which it is clear that they are provided to us for processing.

We use the following data for the in this privacy statement mentioned purposes:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Interests
  • IP address



Apart from the information on our website, we can also inform you about new products and services via:

  • Email
  • Social media


Contact form and newsletter

Through our website we offer the possibility to ask questions via a contact form, in which you will be asked to fill out certain information to handle your question. The information you send us, will be saved as long as necessary for the complete handling of the question asked in the contact form or by email.

We offer a newsletter in which we inform those subscribed to it about our products, inspiring recipes, questions about baking, tips and/or competitions. Every newsletter contains a link via which you can sign out for the newsletter. You can subscribe to our newsletter via our website and Facebook. After signing in or out your email address will automatically be added to or removed from our list of subscribers.

Provision to third parties

We can provide your details with our partners, when they are concerned with execution of the agreement you have made with us. Think for example of sending out the newsletter.
In our website social media buttons have been included. Via these buttons administrators of these services can collect your personal details.

** Cookies**

Our website makes use of cookies. Cookies will also be placed by third parties who have been included by us. When you visit our web shop for the first time, a statement will appear in which we explain why we use cookies.

You are free to block cookies via your browser. You may want to take into account though, that our website might no longer function perfectly when you do so.

With third parties placing cookies we have made agreements about the use of cookies and applications. However, we do not have full control of what the providers of these applications will do with these cookies. For more information about these applications and how they handle cookies, we recommend to consult the privacy statements of these parties (please note: these can change regularly).


Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of the way visitors use our web shop. We have made a processor agreement with Google in which the use of our data is discussed. We have not allowed Google to use the information provided via Analytics for other Google services.



We take security measures to limit abuse and unauthorized access to personal details. We take the following measures in particular:

  • Access to personal details is secured by a user name and password.
  • Access to personal details will only be provided to employees who need this in the context of execution of the agreement.
  • We take physical measures for access security of the systems in which persona details are saved.
  • We make use of secured connections (Secure Sockets Layer of SSL) which protects all information between you and our website when you fill out your personal details.


Storage period

The above mentioned personal details will be stored at least for as long as necessary to meet the legal retention period.

Websites of third parties

The privacy statement is not applicable to websites of third parties which are connected to our web shop by links. We cannot guarantee these third parties handle your personal details in a reliable or safe manner. We advise you to read the privacy statements of these particular websites before you use these websites.

Modifications in this privacy statement

We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement. It is therefore recommended to consult this privacy statement regularly, to make sure you are aware of these modifications.

Insight and adjustment of your details

For questions about our privacy policy or questions concerning insight and adjustments (or removal) of your details you can always get in contact with us via the contact information mentioned below.

You can also send us a request to view, modify or remove these data. You can also request a data export for details we use with your permission, or send us a motivated request to limit the processing of your personal details by us.

To prevent abuse of details we may ask you to identify yourself adequately. When it concerns insight in personal details linked to a cookie, you need to send a copy of the cookie it concerns. You can find these in the settings of your browser. In case the details aren’t correct, you can request us to modify or remove the data.

Dutch Data Protection Authority

Of course we are happy to help you with complaints about the processing of your personal data. Based on the privacy law you also have the right to submit a complaint at the Data Protection Authority against the processing of personal data. You can get in touch for this with the Dutch DPA.

Contact details

Casablancaweg 20
1047 HP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)85 – 00 75 800

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