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Brazilian brigadeiros

Brigadeiro is a Brazilian delicacy and is a chocolate truffle, which is eating during birthday parties and can’t be missing in your list of favorite recipes.

20 min. préparer
1heure attente
10 people

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire votre brazilian brigadeiros:


  • 200 g FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Ganache
  • FunCakes Chocolate Strands -Dark-
  • 80 ml water


  • PME Baking Cups Metallic Gold
  • Microwave resistant bowl
  • Ice scoop

Recette de Brazilian brigadeiros


Prepare 200 grams of FunCakes Mix for Chocolate Ganache as indicated on the package and let it cool down. Place the ganache, completely covered, in the fridge until is has cooled completely and is stiff.


Beat the stiff ganache to a nice light mass and put it back in the fridge and allow it to stiffen.


Scoop even ganache balls using the ice schoop, place them in the chocolate strands and roll them carefully.


Spoon the ganache balls into the golden baking cups and put it into the fridge before serving.

Il ne reste plus qu'un peu de temps avant que vous puissiez profiter de votre treats. N'oubliez pas de partager votre création : funcakesbyme

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