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Ingrédients de cuisson

Tartaric Acid

Tartaric acid is often used in food as a natural preservative, for example when making jam. Tartaric acid also stabilizes egg whites and increases their heat resistance and volume. It is therefore often used when making meringue foam and to preserve egg whites after baking. Finally, it prevents crystallization of sugar syrups and, in combination with baking soda, it’s a leavening agent.


Tartaric Acid

acide tartrique.

Peut contenir des traces de : œuf, lait, fruits à coque.

Store in a cool, dark place, 12-20°C.


Valeur nutritive pour 100 g

Énergie1295 kJ / 299 kcal
Grasses0 g
dont acides gras saturés0 g
Glucides0 g
dont sucres0 g
Protéines0 g
Sel0 g
  • 100 g (F54820)

Autres produits

Don’t confuse tartaric acid with cream of tartar! FunCakes has both cream of tartar and tartaric acid in its range. Although these two products are used in a similar way, they are not exactly the same. Check your recipe carefully to see which of these two ingredients you need.