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Cherry lollipops with sugar strands

Lollipops, who doesn’t like it? It is one of the most famous types of sweets and comes in a variety of colors, shapes and flavors. What is your favorite lollipop taste?

1 hora y 15 min. preparar
9 people

Lo que necesita para cherry lollipops with sugar strands:


  • FunCakes FunColours Paste – Red
  • 2 tbsp FunCakes Flavour Paste – Cherry
  • FunCakes Sugar Strands -Colour Mix-
  • 300 g sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • 50 g glucose


  • Wilton Lollipop Sticks
  • Wilton Lollipop Mould
  • Sugar thermometer

Receta de Cherry lollipops with sugar strands


Insert the lollipop sticks in the mould and sprinkle the bottom of the mould with sugar stands.


Bring 300 gram sugar, 100 ml water and 50 gram glucose to a boil until the sugar is dissolved. Boil the syrup up to 150℃. Remove the syrup from the heat and stir the food colouring and 2 tablespoons of cherry flavour paste through the lolly mixture. Pour the syrup into the lolly mould. Make sure that the sticks are well trapped into the syrup by turning the sticks for a bit. The syrup will harden immediately.

If you don’t have a sugar thermometer you can make sure the temperature is good by letting a drop of the mixture fall in cold water. If the drop is hard you reached the right temperature.


Remove the lollipops from the mould and brush the front with water using a brush and add some extra sugar sprinkles.

Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su pops. No olvides compartir tu creación: #funcakesbyme

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