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Witch hat brownies

Trick or treat? Halloween is the time of the year when the witch hats, pumpkins and bats reappear and that is why we made these delicious witch hat brownies, so that you can enjoy a delicious treat during Halloween.

40 min. cuisine
1heure attente
8 people

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire votre witch hat brownies:


  • 360 g FunCakes Mix for Brownies
  • 150 g FunCakes Fondant Raven Black
  • 150 g FunCakes Fondant Royal Purple
  • 40 g FunCakes Fondant Mellow Yellow
  • FunCakes FunColours Metallic Food Paint Gold
  • FunCakes Edible Glue
  • 2 eggs (approx. 100 g)
  • 40 g unsalted butter
  • 75 ml water
  • Apricot jelly


  • FunCakes Bake Release Spray
  • FunCakes Magic Roll-Out Powder
  • Wilton Decorator Preferred® Deep Round Pan Ø 20x7,5cm
  • Wilton Parchment Paper
  • Wilton Lollipop Sticks
  • Wilton -Wide Glide- Rolling Pin
  • Wilton Cooling Grid
  • PME Mini Square Plunger Cutter
  • Small green ribbon
  • Small white ribbon
  • Brush
  • Sharp knife

Recette de Witch hat brownies


Preheat the oven to 175°C (convection oven 160°C).


Prepare 360 grams of FunCakes Mix for Brownies as indicated on the package. Lubricate the baking pan using baking spray. Fill the baking pan with the batter and bake the brownie in the middle of the preheated oven in 40 minutes. Let the brownie cool down on a cooling grid and cut the brownie in 8 slices.


Roll out 150 grams of black fondant and 150 grams of purple fondant on a with magic roll-out powder covered work surface. Cut out triangles in the same slice as the brownie slices. Lubricate the brownie slices with a bit of apricot jelly and put the fondant triangles on top.


Roll out 40 grams of yellow fondant and cut out thin strips. Use two sizes of the plunger cutters to make the buckles. Place the strips and buckles on the hats and paint them gold using the food paint.


Insert a lollipop stick in the bottom of the brownie and decorate with a ribbon.

Il ne reste plus qu'un peu de temps avant que vous puissiez profiter de votre brownies. N'oubliez pas de partager votre création : funcakesbyme

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