American blueberry muffins
WE LOVE MUFFINS! And especially these muffins with blueberries. These muffins are so incredibly tasty that you really you never really have enough. That is why we, as true bake lovers, advise you to double the recipe a few times. Just in case!
10 min.
25 min.
1 hora
12 people
Lo que necesita para american blueberry muffins:
- 500 g FunCakes Mix for Muffins
- 200 ml vegetable oil
- 200 ml water
- 25 g sugar
- 200 g blueberries
- Wilton Recipe Right® Muffin Pan
- House of Marie Baking Cups Tullip Kraft
Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C).
Prepare 500 grams of FunCakes Mix for Muffins as indicated on the package and add 25 grams of sugar. Gently stir 200 grams of blueberries through the batter.
Line a muffin pan with 12 baking cups and fill the cups with batter till just below the rim. Bake the muffins for approx. 25 minutes until golden.
Sólo un poco antes de que pueda disfrutar de su muffins. No olvides compartir tu creación: